Emad Khan

Senior Associate
  • Phone: 561-756-1291
  • Email: EK@rcgroupre.com

Emad Khan
Commercial Real Estate Advisor | Senior Associate

Emad Khan is a Senior Real Estate Advisor for Stateland Brown LLC, who brings over 18 years of retail experience, with major oil companies, fuel distributors, and retail convenience stores.  Emad has demonstrated tremendous diverse real estate expertise that includes brokerage, development, acquisitions, senior management and leading the way in the petroleum industry in the Tri County area.

Emad began his retail career just days from his graduation in Business from Florida Atlantic University.  He held 8 corporate positions including Sales Manager, Resale Area Marketing Manager, New Business Acquisitions Manager, Marketing Training Advisor, Senior Real Estate Representative, Supervisor of Company Operations, Sales and Business Consultant.  Emad continued as the Retail Development Manager and pursued his passion for real estate as he joined Stateland Brown. Working together they orchestrated their real estate expansion in the United States with an emphasis in the South Florida market. Emad has assisted Oil Companies, several large and very successful east coast fuel distributors / jobbers in Florida to facilitate the acquisition and streaming of Chevron branded facilities.  In recent years, Emad also represented an alternative fuels oil company, with their real estate acquisitions in the State of Florida, expanding their growth of E-85 (Flex-Fuel) and Bio-di. He is a current member of the Florida National Association of Realtors.